Once Upon A Time...

Back in the 1990's

Two Cornish lads grew up together on a humble farm in the heart of Cornwall. They didn't always see eye to eye...But what they did have in common was a passion for exploration and a passion for mischief!

Fast forward 20 years...

And the days of climbing trees and roaming wild through the Cornish countryside were sadly over.

...However, the spirit of adventure lives on!

Inspired by our crazy childhoods, we decided to create The Cornish Company.

The mission? To create a mass movement of pasty loving fanatics who are as passionate about Cornwall as we are!

Meet Tom

The Adventurous One...

Tom is more of the cream tea man out of the two. Loves a good cuppa, (With a biscuit of course.) Always keen for a good adventure, having spent several years traveling around the world trying to find something that could compete with a Cornish cream tea...

...but Alas! nothing could be found. Tom is also a Skydiving coach, you may see him in the skies above Cornwall. Give him a wave and he'll throw you a pasty!

Meet James

The Mischievous One...

The pasty extraordinaire, wherever James can be found...You can be sure there is a pasty nearby. James is in charge of logistics, so in the very unlikely event your order doesn't arrive on time, blame him. (Only joking! of course your order will arrive on time!).

Meet Cody & ruby

The Chiefs...

The two brains behind the operation, love long walks on the beach. Very passionate about Cornwall, have great eyes for Cornish goodies to add to our collection. Constantly want to go to the beach to take social media photos for "Business purposes".


So if you love Cornwall....Join us! come and be part of the growing movement of cream tea loving, pasty adoring fanatics that make Cornwall so great!

There is only one rule...

Jam on first!

Once Upon A Time...

Back in the 1990's

Two Cornish lads grew up together on a humble farm in the heart of Cornwall. They didn't always see eye to eye...But what they did have in common was a passion for exploration and a passion for mischief!

Fast forward 20 years...

And the days of climbing trees and roaming wild through the Cornish countryside were sadly over.

...However, the spirit of adventure lives on!

Inspired by our crazy childhoods, we decided to create The Cornish Company.

The mission? To create a mass movement of pasty loving fanatics who are as passionate about Cornwall as we are!


Meet Tom

The Adventurous One...

Tom is more of the cream tea man out of the two. Loves a good cuppa, (With a biscuit of course.) Always keen for a good adventure, having spent several years traveling around the world trying to find something that could compete with a Cornish cream tea...

...but Alas! nothing could be found. Tom is also a Skydiving coach, you may see him in the skies above Cornwall. Give him a wave and he'll throw you a pasty!

Meet James

The Mischievous One...

The pasty extraordinaire, wherever James can be found...You can be sure there is a pasty nearby. James is in charge of logistics, so in the very unlikely event your order doesn't arrive on time, blame him. (Only joking! of course your order will arrive on time!).

Meet Lenny & ruby

The Chiefs...

The two brains behind the operation, love long walks on the beach. Very passionate about Cornwall, have great eyes for Cornish goodies to add to our collection. Constantly want to go to the beach to take social media photos for "Business purposes".


So if you love Cornwall....Join us! come and be part of the growing movement of cream tea loving, pasty adoring fanatics that make Cornwall so great!

There is only one rule...

Jam on first!